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Biotechnology for energy

Biotechnology for energy

Sustainable energies
Current trend of the technology :

Biotechnology utilizes biological systems, living organisms or parts of them to develop or create different products. Emerging biotechnology enables next-generation "advanced" hydrocarbon fuels to be obtained from industrial gas recycling.?

Biotechnology for energy production is experiencing strong growth with a large amount of pilot units having been established since 2019. LanzaTech, a Chicago-based company launched in 2005, takes carbon-rich gases from industry to make ethanol, which can then be used for a range of low carbon products, including jet fuel. The company is involved in a couple of sustainable aviation fuels projects. In parallel, Electrochaea’s two-step biomethanation process starts with the production of hydrogen by electrolysis using renewable power. The renewable hydrogen is combined with carbon dioxide and fed into the reactor which houses a methanogenic archaea to produce methane. Sources [82], [83] ?


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