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Discover the 19 winners of the 2020 ENGIE Innovation Trophies
Other innovations 22/09/2020

Discover the 19 winners of the 2020 ENGIE Innovation Trophies

On Tuesday, September 22, 2020 the traditional award ceremony of ENGIE Innovation Trophies took place in a new 100% digital format! 19  projects were awarded from 51 finalist projects and the new  “ENGIE x  Solar  Impulse  Foundation” Award was presented by  Bertrand  Piccard, 

11 Grand Prix, 7 Special Prizes, and the Employees’ Choice Prize. The Trophies were presented by members of the exCom and Jean-Pierre Clamadieu, Chairman of ENGIE.

A selection of quotes from the Trophies Ceremony

Jean-Pierre Clamadieu: "I do believe that innovation is key to the development of a company like ENGIE. Innovation is not just happening in labs. Innovation goes throughout all the activities that we develop within the company."

Claire Waysand : "Innovation creates value and business. In our sector, when things are changing so quickly, research, innovation, development are absolutely key. "

Judith Hartmann : " We are literally taking the company to the next level and writing a new chapter in the energy transition. "

A very selective and 100% virtual process!

Launched in November 2019, the Innovation Trophies received 540 applications by the Group's employees. In  March  2020, the BU and the experts of the Group met as every year to  select 52 finalist projects, but, did so remotely from home, as sanitary conditions require ! It was at the end of May and the beginning of June that the project leaders presented their innovations before the Grand Jury of the Innovation Trophies, which selected 16  winners, during 4 online sessions. The ceremony was postponed until September 22 in the hope that we could meet, but it is once again remotely that the awards have been presented. Throughout the month of September until 1 hour of the Ceremony,  the ENGIE Employees were  able to vote for their favorite project among the  51 finalists, further prolonging the suspense.

The best innovations in the spotlight

In parallel with the selection process for the winners, a hundred of the 540 innovations proposed in 2020 are in the spotlight as they are every year in the "100  Innovations" book. These are the 51  finalist projects and the following 57  projects, as chose by the Selection Committee.

Discover the names of the winners of the 2020 ENGIE Innovation Trophies.

  • SOLARIMO-  Solar Power for tenants from rooftop PV
    NECST / Germany

SOLARIMO brings solar power to 50% of Europe’s population that live in apartments. The ENGIE startup offers a "full-service-package" to the owners of apartment  buildings and sells cheap green solar power to the tenants. SOLARIMO started as an incubation project in 2017 and achieved market leadership position in Germany in 2019. It will offer its services across all of Europe as soon as the recent European renewable Energy Directive with the right for collective self-consumption is implemented.



Grand Prix - Success Story

  • LiLiBox: from the CRIGEN patent to the industrial application at Storengy
    ENGIE LAB CRIGEN - Storengy / France

LiLiBox is a solution to liquefy biomethane, store it and re-inject it into the gas network when it is available. The solution allows to increases the revenues of biomethane producers, allowing them to maximize the value of their biomethane production. At the beginning of the LiLiBox adventure in 2014, there was no adequate solution. From the design of an adapted and four times patented process that contributes to the objective of having 100% green gas in the gas networks by 2050 to a first deployment on a biomethane production site, it took 4 years to transfer the solution to Storengy for commercialization, as Azola.

Frédéric LEGRAND, Gabrielle MENARD, Laurent BENOIT


Special Prize - From Research to Business

  • PEPS: Deaf People Hiring Project
    ENGIE Solutions - BU Industries / France

PEPS is a project to open and adapt positions in climate engineering design offices for deaf people.

Raphaelle TUPIN


Grand Prix - Management & Support

  • Microsoft 24/7 custom renewable PPA solution
    GEM and North America / USA

Microsoft has ambitious carbon reduction goals, and sought renewable energy supply that better matched their consumption pattern. In response to this request GEM BU and North America BU together offered Microsoft a highly innovative renewable solution which combined the production of new ENGIE solar and wind projects with the risk management capabilities of GEM.

Nicolas MALCORPS,  Anne IDIART,  Makhiban  GENGADHARAN, Graham DOWNEY, Joseph GILLESPIE, Adam ROTH, Quynh-Anh LAM


Grand Prix - Customer Relations

  • EFESTO: Smart steel factories for Cities
    NECST / Italy

EFESTO is a pilot aimed at proving the efficiency of a circular economy project, based on heat waste recovery from a steel factory into a green energy infrastructure built by ENGIE: a district heating architecture that has allowed us to meet the city of Lonato del Garda's heating needs.

Melanie OEHMICHEN,  Matthieu BONVOISIN,  Barbara MARELLI,  Alessio CIOCCA,  Emiliano PIACIBELLO,  Michele CERMINARA,  Edoardo DE CAPITANI,  Gabriele MINUCELLI


Grand Prix - Business Development

  • Smart Territory of Angers Loire Metropole (ALM)
    Corporate – ENGIE Solutions  / France

Build with Angers Loire Métropole the replicable French model of smart territory thanks to a unique and atypical grouping sharing the same values, combining diversity and complementarity of expertise to use technology to take care of those who live and build the territory. To the four key challenges of this ambitious project, ENGIE and its partners has brought solutions which relate to 9 business themes: public lighting, traffic lights, security, buildings, mobility, green spaces, water-sanitation, waste, health.

Guy PAGANELLI,  Santa ORSINI,  Lucile HOFMAN, Benoit BRIENT, Raphael KAZADI, Nathalie ALLEGRET


Special Prize – Collaboration

  • BeCircle: Accelerating the transition to a circular economy 
    ENGIE LAB CRIGEN / France, Belgium, Germany, Singapore

This new internal solution allows us to integrate circularity issues into ENGIE's services for territories and industries, making them more attractive to our customers. With BeCircle, ENGIE BUs can design projects that help close resource loops at local scale with shared economic and environmental benefits.

Axel MICHEL,  Nathan SONALIER,  Delphine ANTONIUCCI,  Anne PRIEUR,  Olivier GRAUWIN,  Nathalie FILIPPINI,  Vincenzo GIORDANO,  Dimitri TAMANOS


Special Prize - Acceleration

  • Residential Community Microgrids
    United Kingdom

A private residential microgrid, bringing decentralised energy to life, for a new zero-carbon community. The objective was to define a scalable, optimised local energy community solution and business model to maximise self-consumption of renewable energy at the community level, for UK residential developments, reducing commodity and system costs for end users,  providing benefits for the local communities and the wider grid.

Damien KELLY, Andrew COWLEY, Christoph MAZUR, Andrew TURNER


Grand Prix - Best Failed Idea

  • Local Energy Optimization – Reducing the cost of energy transition GEM - France

The energy transition implies a massive development of renewable energies connected to the distribution network which must adapt accordingly. Local Energy Optimization provides the grid operator with a service for controlling consumption and production in order to reduce the constraints on the grid. This service thus reduces the need to reinforce the network while providing value to ENGIE customers.  

Guillaume LEHEC, Cyrille PELLIZZARO, Cécile CORDIER, Yoann MAUDET


Grand Prix  - Best Failed Idea

  • CLARITY: to see clearly under the surface 
    France Renewable - ENGIE Green / France

Laser thermography detection of internal damages of the wind turbine blades, getting their depths and dimensions, in order to repair them before they become serious and cause long energy production stops.

Jeremy HELLOT, Lucas ALLOIN, Bernard LAURENT, Blandine MOQUIN, Erwin GEORGE, SUPAIRVISION, University of Reims


Grand Prix - Operations, Techniques, and Technology

  • The blades of the future, 100% recyclable!
    France Renewable / France

Develop and install 100% recyclable wind turbine blades using a new resin developed by Arkema.



Special Prize  - Circular Economy

  • REMBRAN - Trenchless Polyethylene BRANch REplacement Machine 
    GRDF / France

REMBRAN is a traction machine that allows the replacement of polyethylene (PE) pipe connections without opening a trench, when PE is crossing a road. The machine can be used in the events of interventions on structures’ damages, scheduled work, leaks on the gas connection.

Guillaume DUPAS,  Pascal CHEVRE


Special Prize - Field / Frugal  Innovation

  • FAST: Reshape fast charging business to make it smarter and profitable

ENGIE prioritizes mobility business development. New Electric Vehicules (NEV) sales continue to grow in a substantial way in many countries. There are constraints of CAPEX, OPEX and ramp up for the operator to develop and be profitable, that can be lifted through partnering with fleets like Didi’s. Fleets volume account for a half of the NEV sales and requires fast charging solutions. Further integration can be reached  with FAST through battery storage systems as a second-life for retired NEV batteries. 

Andy LIU,  Anne-Cecile  BONNEVILLE,    David ZHANG,    Niko CHEN,    Rodrigo MACHADO,  Jelle SMEKENS,  Rafael JAHN


Grand Prix - Digitalized Operations and  Solutions

  • RHyno, the world’s first hydrogen mining truck solution Hydrogen / South Africa, Chile, France

The "RHyno" Project is a "proof of concept" in South Africa to develop and test the world 1st hydrogen mining haul truck, together with a renewable hydrogen (H2) supply chain, in order to promote the use of hydrogen within the mining sector to enable its transition to zero carbon. This project is a co-creation with AngloAmerican, one of the world’s largest mining companies. 



Grand Prix  - Zero Carbon New Business

  • powerHYDE: Solar solution to end homelessness and empower communities  
    Asia-Pacific / Philippines, Singapore, India

BillionBricks (an ENGIE Investment) is building powerHYDE, a 125 solar home community of 2.5MW rooftop solar product that integrates social housing at a MW scale/ PowerHYDE generates 25 times more energy than its residential needs. Surplus energy is sold via PPAs to finance the home mortgages and lift its inhabitants out of poverty. It’s a unique triple bottom line business solution which combines clean energy and social housing into a single financially viable business proposition.

Prasoon KUMAR, Gunjan LATH, Robert VERRIJT, Amanda LIM, Gaelle THIBAUT 


Special Prize - "Coup de Coeur du Jury"

  • "La Belle Batterie"  - The first certification service for EV batteries
    France BtoC

Unlock the used electric car market by providing individuals and professionals with accurate, independent and transparent information on the state of health (SoH) of electric vehicles (EVs) batteries.

Florian CHEVALLIER,  Guillaume HEBERT,  Gilles DEBUCHY,  Sylvain HUETMESNIL


Grand Prix - Idea of New  Business

  • Electric mobility and CO2: Aggregating EVs for decarbonization
    Tractebel BE TRIS- Laborelec and GEM / Belgium

With this innovation ENGIE becomes an EV flexibility provider by addressing both destabilizing risk and stabilization potential of EV charging  on national grids - while increasing EV decarbonization potential. The SMATCH® smart charging solution  has been enhanced to integrate aggregation. This allows to control multiple chargers from different sites all at once and connect SMATCH® to the global external energy system so that they all pursue a common goal. In addition, SMATCH® has been connected to the global energy ecosystem through the partnership with ENGIE GEM.



Grand Prix - Idea of New  Business

  • TARGEO – Green heat & cold, right under your feet! Storengy / Germany

TARGEO combines business model innovation and digital technical innovation to foster the development of the geothermal market.

Volker CLAUß,  Louise PETIT,  Vera LÜDTKE,  Franz DANYACH


Special Prize - "ENGIE x Solar Impulse Foundation"

  • ENGIE’s “Energy for my profession” NECST / Romania

“Energie pentru meseria mea” – “Energy for my profession” creates a pro-active sourcing solution for the critical needs of core competencies for the Infrastructure entity and Technical Services affiliate. Through a vast multimedia national campaign and by addressing directly 10,000 pupils & 7,000 parents, ENGIE Romania re-gained the trust of the young generation in learning a profession and is currently funding & training for a 3-year period 118 pupils in 2 major cities, planning to extend to a 3rd city and recruit 60 more pupils in 2020. The program built strong social bridges with communities, schools, townhalls & the Ministry of Education and helped ENGIE become a major trailblazer in education and a first-choice employer for the young generation.

Cezar BARLADEANU, Sanda ANCA,   Andrea TUDORACHE,  Alex PAUN,  Mariana STAVARACHE, Cosmin BURLACU, Carmen NISTOR, Mihaela BOTEZATU,   Alexandra LUCA, Ramona CUCUTEANU,  Claudia VASILE, Cristiana OLARU,  Cristina ZEGHEANU, Andreea VASILESCU,  Anne PROSCANU 


Special Prize - Employee’s Choice

Discover our  "100 Innovations" selection 2020.

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