Call for project closed the
12 Apr. 2023
ENGIE France B2C is looking for companies to test, deploy and promote Cool Roof, an innovative, practical and sustainable solution that drastically lowers the temperature of roofs and buildings.
What's our objective?
ENGIE France BtoC's Professional Customers Department would like to promote and deploy the solution of its partner Cool Roof France; this French innovation allows to reduce the overheating of roofs thanks to an easy to apply and eco-responsible coating.
"Cool Roofing" consists of applying a highly reflective white coating to the roofs of premises to reduce their interior temperature in summer.

This solution has been labeled by the Solar Impulse Foundation as an efficient and cost-effective solution to protect the environment.
The base of the Cool Roof France's cladding is made of oyster shell powder.
Cool Roof France's reflective paint limits the absorption of solar radiation and therefore the accumulation of heat in buildings. This represents an average reduction of 6°C in building temperatures.
By becoming a user and ambassador of this unique and environmentally friendly solution, you :
- improve the thermal comfort of your buildings,
- significantly reduce the use of air conditioning,
- reduce your impact on the environment,
- have the opportunity to make your commitment visible alongside ENGIE and its partner Cool Roof France.
We tell you more...
Cool Roof France
In France, the majority of commercial and industrial building roofs are covered with dark roofing. These accumulate heat, turning the buildings into real ovens during the summer, especially during the increasingly frequent and intense heat waves.
To alleviate this problem, the "solution" most often adopted is the installation of air conditioning systems. However, in order to cool the interior of buildings, these devices reject heat outside. Moreover, their operation is a strong emitter of greenhouse gases. It is a vicious circle. An ecological and economic aberration.
The founder of Cool Roof France, Frédéric Lachêvre, entrepreneur from Finistère, manager of a real estate park, was personally confronted with this problem. Together with Ronan Caradec, an energy specialist, and Roland Soun, a refrigeration specialist, they decided to focus on the development of a cool roofing solution, in other words, a passive cooling solution, the principle of which consists in painting the roofs with a highly reflective white paint.
In 2015, the company Cool Roof France was created and the first roofs were painted with this exclusive coating made in France.
What's the "Cool roofing"?
Cool roofing is a concept that has been used for centuries, particularly in countries around the Mediterranean and in South America, which are used to high temperatures. This type of solution is also widely developed in the United States and even financed by some states. The coating developed by Cool Roof France is inspired by these ancestral practices.
Cool Roof France's reflective paint limits the absorption of solar radiation and
therefore the accumulation of heat in buildings. These coatings reflect 90% of the sun's rays and thus limit the heating of the roof.
This represents an average reduction of 6°C in building temperatures.
In addition to thermal comfort, Cool Roof's solutions also protect roof coverings from solar aggression (UV, expansion, etc.) and increase their durability.
In addition, Cool Roof France's cool roofing products also help to limit the use of air conditioning and, consequently, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, both direct emissions from cooling systems (via the halocarbons present in the refrigerant gases) and indirect emissions due to the production of electricity required by air conditioners.
In addition, Cool Roof France wishes to become more involved and integrate the eco-design approach in the development of its new products. In particular, R&D work has enabled the company to design a high-performance reflective product, including a reduced quantity of pigments and a renewable source of calcium carbonate, oyster shell.
The Cool Roof solution is certified as an "efficient and cost-effective solution to protect the environment" by the Solar Impulse Foundation:
For more information and to see examples of projects:
ENGIE France BtoC
ENGIE's "raison d'être" is to act to accelerate the transition to a carbon-neutral economy through more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly solutions. This "raison d'être" brings together the company, its employees, its customers and its shareholders and reconciles economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet.
ENGIE France BtoC's ambitions are to become the leader in France in green comfort and energy transition. The group's promise to its customers (individuals and small professionals) is to accompany them in consuming better and less.
Professional Customers Department (PCD)
The PCD is an entity that provides small professionals (VSEs and SMEs) with services and equipment associated with the marketing and consumption of energy (electricity and gas), and with decentralized energy production. Small professionals include craftsmen, shopkeepers, restaurant owners, hairdressers, farmers, car garages, self-employed professionals, entrepreneurs, franchises, bakeries, hotels and dry cleaners. DCP has more than 400,000 customers in 2022, whom it supports in the energy transition.
This contribution is a source of pride for the DCP and gives meaning to its action which is aligned with the raison d'être of France BtoC and ENGIE.