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Emerging sustainable technologies 2023

The Energy Transition: an integrated system of systems

The carbon neutral energy transition success require orchestrating a complex network of different technologies that will all be integrated. In all this, energy efficiency and circularity will remain important, and more thought must be given on how the waste  of one industry can serve as input for another. This industrial symbiosis will not only require technical solutions but also non-technical ones such as regulatory frameworks. 

Biogas is an interesting example of circular thinking, especially using biowaste as a feedstock. No doubt that electricity will play a crucial role and much more than today, it will be integrated not only from a demand-side management point of view: ie. matching consumption with production but it will also be closely linked to the gas grid and vice versa. Molecules made either from biomass or from renewable electricity, will be required not only for long term renewable energy storage and transport but also for some hard to abate industries (cement, steel, glass,…) and heavy mobility (shipping, aviation,…). 

This complex integration of all these technologies and their orchestration is nicely depicted in the ETIP SNET VISION 2050 figure. It learns that major investments for the large-scale deployment of energy conversion and storage devices, the upgrade and extension of the energy networks, and the use of digital solutions will be crucial. In the animated version of ETIP SNET figure, we positioned our selection of emerging sustainable trends and technologies presented in this document. This reminds us that what we present here in this document is just a (small) part of the entire network of integrated technologies.

Read the article : "From climate science to climate engineering"

This report focus on technologies emerging currently that could be part of this new system

View Emerging Trends of 2023

Critical material availability for renewables energy deployment is the new trend observed currently worldwide in addition of geoengineering to reach carbon neutrality. Terawatt scale for photovoltaic is a big step reached in 2022 for the renewable sector, while the massive batteries deployment raises new technologies issues. 

What are the solutions to mitigate the material scarcity and hence reduce the risk of shortages? What are the main controversial aspects of geoengineering? This two global trends are studied and explained technology by technology in our 2023 edition.


View the 5 Emerging Technologies of 2023

In this Emerging Sustainable Technologies 2023 document we present topical areas we think will offer non-trivial benefits for this transition. 

ENGIE does not only keep a close eye on their development but also has the ambition to help bring some of these technologies to the market at an increased pace through piloting and demonstrating.



KEY AUTHORS: Elodie Le Cadre Loret, Jan Mertens, Jean-Pierre Keustermans, Céline Denis. 

CO-AUTHORS: Laurent Baraton, Sanae Bouaichi, Gaspard Bouteau, Julie Clavreul, Sidney Castin, Dominique Corbisier,  Marcos Gomes Borges, Louis Gorintin, Jim Gripekoven, Julien Guillet, Olivier Ledent, Florence Livreau, Adeline Miquelot, Julien Merlin, Elise Nanini-Maury, Rémi Pecqueur, Jonas Pigeon, Mihir Sarkar, Stijn Scheerlinck

Download the 2023 Sustainable technologies Full Report

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