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3D to 4D printing

3D to 4D printing

Enabling technologies
Current trend of the technology :

4D printing uses the same techniques as 3D printing. However, the resulting 3D shape is able to morph into different forms in response to environmental stimulus, with the 4th dimension being the time-dependent shape change after the printing

This technology is also known as 4D bioprinting, active origami, or shape-morphing systems. Although a variety of stimuli-responsive microstructures have been reported, 4D printing technology still requires a significant amount of effort at the level of the development and improvement of new materials and printing methods, as the majority of current demonstrators still remain at lab scale. Source [80]


[80] ENGIE R&T Division, 2017. Emerging Technologies expected to change ‘our’ world - Report from 2016 watch 

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