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Pyrogasification of waste (Solid Recovered Fuel)

Pyrogasification of waste (Solid Recovered Fuel)

Sustainable energies
Current trend of the technology :

Conversion of dry waste (as opposed to biomass) into energy carriers at high temperature (~1000°C) in a low-oxygen environment.?

Pyrogasification is now a mature technology now with commercial projects ongoing all over the world (SWINDON, Cameleon...). In Europe, the challenge is to produce synthetic gas from Solid Recovered Waste. This trend is driven by the European legislation to greatly reduce landfilling (no more than 10% landfilling by 2035). The ENGIE GAYA platform was producing biomethane from waste (SRF) at the end of 2020 - a world first on a semi-industrial scale. Source [81]?


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