All informations about 23rd IERE General Meeting and Singapore Forum
The main topic of the 23rd IERE General Meeting and Singapore Forum in collaboraton with ENGIE is "Accelerating the Carbon-Neutral Energy Transition for Industry and Territories"
Abstracts can be submitted on the following topics:
Session 1. How to Accelerate Learning by Doing?
Session 2. Making Business Out of It
Session 3. Transversal Enablers
Session 4. Regulatory & Public Acceptance
Session 5. Green Molecules
Session 6. Circularity & Energy Efficiency
Session 7. Renewable Energy & Electrification
Session 8. Flexibility of the Energy System
Experts and researchers will get the unique chance of sharing their work with colleague and peers of the energy sector. All papers will be reviewed by a scientific comity for selection. The call is open to IERE member and non-members as well as all those interested in the evolution of the energy transition and the technology development and business development opportunities associated to this evolution. ENGIE & IERE will invite prominent speakers for keynote speeches.
Call for papers : answer by email before September 8, 2023
Energy enables a high quality of life and if properly done, makes humans healthy, wealthy and free. In fact, it enables our access to clean water, healthy food and transport as well.
Today, the global energy sector is strongly relying on fossil-based energy. But energy transition is a pathway toward transformation to net zero-carbon emissions by the second half of this century.t its heart is the need to reduce energy-related CO2 emissions to limit climate change. Renewable energy and energy efficiency measures can potentially achieve 90% of the required carbon reductions (IRENA, 2020). However not only do these renewable solutions have to answer 3 effectiveness requirements: economical, social and environmental; there is also a discrepancy between where people live and where cheap abundant renewable energy is available. In addition, the intermittency of renewableshas to be taken into account.
It is therefore without a doubt that when switching to a net zero-carbon emission world, enormous amounts of renewable energy will need to be transported. High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) electricity transmission lines will be a part of the solution but as distance increases, other transport modes will come in play. Converting the electricity into an energy carrier such as hydrogen, ammonia or synthetic hydrocarbons will be required.
As for the intermittency, the development of information and data management technologies should ensure that the ensemble operates in a stable and reliable manner. Demand side management systems must ensure that the supply and demand of energy match and storage solutions will play in crucial role in this.
Who should attend?
The Forum is intended for experts involved in the selected themes, from IERE members and non-members, as well as all those interested in the evolution of the energy transition and the technology development and business development opportunities associated to this evolution.
ENGIE and IERE will invite prominent speakers for keynote speeches.
About IERE
IERE is an organization for exchanging electricity and energy related cutting-edge technologies and R&D information among its members from the electricity & energy supply industry, equipment provider businesses, academic research, government, etc. This unique platform is of great help for executives, senior managers, engineers, and researchers who are responsible for R&D and solutions. It is a worldwide, non-profit organization, established as “International Electric Research Exchange” in 1968.