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Efficient Solutions by ENGIE : 'tiko - connected electricity means efficiency'
Other innovations 11/04/2022

Efficient Solutions by ENGIE : "tiko - connected electricity means efficiency"

Some of the Solutions developed by ENGIE’s innovators and referenced as “Efficient solutions” by the Solar Impulse Foundation since 2018 are available in the Solar Impulse Solutions Explorer, a one-of-a-kind search engine that  showcases 1,000+ clean and profitable Solutions that have been recognized by independent experts for their environmental and economic performance.

Discover the TIKO solution on connected electricity 

Nowadays, the integration of decentral renewable production (mostly PV) and e-mobility into the electricity grid poses a huge challenge. tiko has created a solution that is capable to connect residential and SME (small-medium enterprise) electrical devices like heat-pumps, batteries, solar panels, electric car charging stations, and direct heating systems.

Discover the TIKO Solution in VIDEOs

SOLUTIONS EXPLORER : The Solar Impulse Foundation  proposes 1000+ solutions to help  political and decision makers meet more ambitious climate targets without compromising economic growth. ENGIE’s Zero-Carbon solutions are among the innovative solutions proposed.

Discover others  ENGIE and Solar Impulse Foundation successfull collaborations in engergy transition & decarbonation

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