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Solar Impulse Foundation presents Efficient Solutions by ENGIE : 'Targeo' and 'Vertuoz'
Autres innovations 01/11/2021

Solar Impulse Foundation presents Efficient Solutions by ENGIE : "Targeo" and "Vertuoz"

During COP26 in Glasgow the Solar Impulse Foundation led by offers political and economic decision-makers 1000+ solutions that help them meet more ambitious climate targets without compromising economic growth. ENGIE’s Zero-Carbon solutions are among the innovative solutions proposed.

Join the Solutions Explorer Series at COP26 for a first-hand experience! Register for a 30-minute session on energy solutions (4 November 2021), solutions for cities and regions (8 November 2021), or transport solutions (10 November).

We have achieved the challenge set at COP22 of selecting 1000 clean and profitable climate solutions, now we are coming to COP26 with a suitcase full of over 1300 solutions and the tools to place them in the hands of decision-makers

Bertrand Piccard, Chairman and Founder of the Solar Impulse Foundation

Some of the Solutions developed by ENGIE’s innovators and referenced as “Efficient solutions” by the Solat Impulse Foundation since 2018 are available in the Solar Impulse Solutions Explorer, a one-of-a-kind search engine that  showcases 1,000+ clean and profitable Solutions from all over the world which assessed by independent experts for their environmental and economic performance.

Businesses, public authorities, and individuals can navigate the Solutions Explorer to help them work towards their climate objectives in a cost-competitive and profitable manner.  Every visitor can discover new and efficient ways of producing, consuming, and valuing resources.

Discover a selection of ENGIE’s Zero-Carbon Solutions showcased on Solutions Explorer : Targeo and Vertuoz

Targeo is a shallow geothermal solution delivering carbon-free heat to residential customers and businesses
Vertuoz Control is an energy efficiency solution to consume energy only when it is necessary and preserve occupant comfort.
The residential heating market in Europe is not based on renewable energy; clean energy alternatives are needed in order to address the global environmental crisis. Seeking to achieve a successful transition to cleaner energy systems, targeo provides to heat transition players/local utilities/Stadtwerke a regional analysis to identify the best potential geothermal clients in their region outside their current customer base. 
The control helps managing a building room by room, managing the irregularity of the occupant’s presence and guaranteeing the comfort of occupants. The technology adapts itself to existing infrastructures and can be installed quickly and massively deployed, energy savings are immediate after installation.
Find out More : Meet Louise, Franz and Volker, the ground-rooted designers of the Targeo project
Find out More : Watch the interview of Christian GAILLIOT, Chief Marketing Officer -  VERTUOZ

Join  the Solutions Explorer Series at COP26 for a first-hand experience!

Register for free to 30-minute session on live from COP26 : 

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