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ENGIE Research & Innovation

Our vision & objectives

Today we are building the low-carbon energy system of tomorrow

With its Research & Innovation division, ENGIE has the ability to identify, explore, experiment and deploy solutions that will make the energy transition possible and apply them to our industrial facilities or those of our customers and partnersD

  • In areas related to ENGIE’s strategy, chosen in close collaboration with the operational entities
  • By acting simultaneously on all time horizons
  • By orchestrating different means of intervention
  • By combining internal expertise, partnerships and collaborations

Combining expertise, partnerships and collaborations

We are developing Research Programs in our 4 R&D labs

Cross-functional programs co-managed by our major businesses thanks to our 4 expert research centers in their fields.

Lab CRIGEN - Paris region

Mainly dedicated to green gas (hydrogen, biogas and liquefied gases), to new usage of energy and to emerging technologies (digital technology and artificial intelligence, drones and robots, nanotechnology and sensors). 


Lab Singapore

Dedicated to smart energy management for cities and islands, industrial energy efficiency, cooling systems & data center decarbonation and technologies for gas-related cities. 


Lab Cylergie - Lyon

Expert in energy efficiency services and energy smart management, Cylergie converts technologies emerging from  Labs and research partners into innovative energy services.


Laborelec - Belgium

Dedicated to electrical power technologies. Its activities cover the entire electricity value chain: generation, transmission, distribution, storage and end uses of electricity. 
