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HomeBiogas to export its Clean Energy Solutions from Organic Waste
Nouvelles énergies 12/02/2021

HomeBiogas to export its Clean Energy Solutions from Organic Waste

Supported by the ENGIE New Ventures Fund, the startup HomeBiogas was valued at 79 million euros for its IPO and is entering a new phase of development.

HomeBiogas, an Israel-based company developing biogas systems that convert organic materials into renewable energy and fertilizer, successfully completed its initial public offering (IPO) in Israel, with a valuation of NIS 310 million after money, or approximately USD 94 million.

The IPO was oversubscribed and HomeBiogas chose to raise approximately NIS 100 million which was received from the largest and leading institutional investors in the market, including provident funds, insurance companies and pension funds. Monday, February 1, was its first day trading. 

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