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Témoignage 12/08/2021


[Discover our entrepreneurs].  Interview of Christophe PAPIN - Smart Solutions Director -  SIRADEL

Siradel, an ENGIE group company, produces 3D digital twins of cities, collaborative and open 3D visualization platforms with simulation, GIS and big data capabilities for all public and private actors to make cities more sustainable, connected, resilient and attractive. (MONACO Digital Twin Launching ).

At the end of 2019, 
Siradel established an online service platform for the Ile-de-France region. To this end, Siradel conducted the modelization of 2.5 million buildings across the region and created France’s biggest data concentrator, with more than 10,000 data sets (such as bus lines or the location of co-working spaces, research centers, heritage sites, etc).

Facing the confinement restrictions of the current coronavirus crisis, the Ile-de-France region quickly turned to Siradel to come up with and rapidly develop a range of services, allowing inhabitants to better live and work during the lockdown.


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