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Call for Whole House Retrofit Solutions

Other innovations

Call for project closed the 07 Sep. 2018

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Subject of the call for project

ENGIE is currently developing a whole house retrofit solution based on the EnergieSprong concept (www.energiesprong.uk). As part of the development of our solution we would like to identify innovative products that would assist ENGIE in meeting the EnergieSprong requirements in a cost-effective way. For this Call for Projects we would to focus on the following 2 key areas.

  1. Products that reduce the amount of time on-site using off-site construction techniques.
  2. Products that improve the overall energy efficiency of the building including innovative renewable energy, heating and hot water systems.

Our ambition is to develop and produce a single retrofit solution with integrated fabric upgrades, mechanical & electrical, and monitoring components. The final solution will be built predominantly off-site and will be manufactured at scale allowing the upgrade of 1000s of homes across the UK.

Homes that receive the upgrade will see improvements to the energy efficiency, comfort levels and the desirability of the house. With the vast majority of works being off-site the residents will also have limited impact during the construction works.

We are looking for products and solutions that may be brought together into a single system to revolutionize the way we upgrade housing stock. With this call for projects, ENGIE wants innovative companies to draw our attention to their products and solutions that involve one or more of the following:

  • Off-site roofing and façade systems that improve thermal efficiency. 
  • Innovative renewable energy, heating, hot water and ventilation systems that can be installed quickly and maintained easily (i.e. accessed from outside)

Deadline for applications September 7th 2018, at midnight.

Earnings and benefits

Rewards and benefits: 

Successful applicants will be given an opportunity to participate in a unique, innovative project that ties in closely with operational needs. To do this they will get personalized support from ENGIE. The package may also include:

  • The development of a prototype or pilot
  • Technical support
  • A place in marketplace events
  • A potential business collaboration
  • Inclusion in the final ENGIE solution delivered to market

Provisional timetable

  • Launch of the call for projects: 9th July
  • Deadline for application: 7 September 2018
  • Selection and announcement of finalists: 21st September 2018
  • Pitches from finalists to the members of the selection committee: wc 1st October 2108
  • Announcement of winners: 8th October

Description of the call for projects


ENGIE is looking for innovative systems, tools and solutions to assist with our development of a “Net Zero” domestic energy refurbishment which is compliant with the EnergieSprong principles. For this Call for Projects we would like to focus on the following areas:

  • Off-site roofing and façade systems that improve thermal efficiency. 
  • Innovative renewable energy, heating and hot water systems that can be installed quickly and maintained easily (i.e. accessed from outside)

Detailed description

The EnergieSprong solution specifies the performance target of the property, not the method or products required for achieving this. To do so there are a number of key elements which must be considered for upgrading; the building fabric, the mechanical and electrical (M&E) installation, energy generation, monitoring equipment and the end user interface. 

The performance of the energy generation, fabric and M&E will impact on each other, and the level of improvement may be adjusted between each until the required performance for the property as a whole is achieved. The property performance will then be monitored, and an overarching user interface will be required to illustrate energy usage and allow a simplified level of control to the end user / resident.

The two elements relevant to this call are further detailed below

  • Building Fabric Improvements – insulated walls and roofing, triple glazing, air tight, ease of installation, off site production, flexibility on visual appearance.
  • Mechanical & Electrical Upgrades – renewable energy generation, energy storage, renewable heat and hot water, ventilation, integration of systems, ease of installation, access for maintenance.

The key factor to the success of the overall solution will be the ability to have the system(s) produced and assembled in an off-site factory with as many components integrated prior to delivery to site. This is very important as it will allow the onsite assembly and construction times to be greatly reduced.

Who is this call for projects for?

This call for projects is for established businesses, startups, SMEs and entrepreneurs. 

Eligibility criteria

  • Relevance to the topic
  • Innovative nature of the subject
  • Coherence of the proposed business model
  • Feasibility/ economic viability
  • Development potential
  • Maturity of project/solution
  • Ability to launch project quickly/Ease of implementation
  • Price/quality ratio
  • Suitability for UK Market (inc. building regulations and certification etc.).

Projects will be selected in two stages:

  • Phase 1: a shortlist of projects will be made based on the initial applications and will be invited to an online pitching session
  • Phase 2: shortlisted project teams will be invited to give a 20minute presentation to the selection committee week commencing 1st October. 

Why are we launching this call for projects?

Because we want to better meet our customers’ changing needs by working with them to provide the services and solutions that will be relevant now and in the future.

We have identified fuel poverty and failing UK housing stock as a major concern for the cities and communities we serve. ENGIE wants to develop innovative solutions that benefit everyone, whilst ensuring we maintain and develop our market share. 

ENGIE sees the EnergieSprong concept as a great long-term solution for improving the efficiency, comfort and aesthetics of UK homes, whilst addressing fuel poverty issues and notably reducing domestic carbon emissions. 


ENGIE is committed to responsible growth of its businesses (power, natural gas and energy services) in response to the central challenges of the energy transition towards a low-carbon economy: providing access to sustainably generated energy, combating climate change, reducing its effect and making responsible use of natural resources. The Group is developing high-performance, innovative solutions for personal customers, urban authorities and companies by applying its expertise in three key sectors: renewables, energy efficiency and digital technologies.


  • 4C Architecture Ltd
  • Roofit Solar Energy


  • Enervalis
  • Ecovolt Limited

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