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MIT Symposium Innovations for the Next Generation of Mobility
17 Oct. 2023 / 09:00 - 18:00

MIT Symposium Innovations for the Next Generation of Mobility


Learn how generative artificial models are supporting the creation of new innovations and how emerging technologies can be adapted

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Mobility is being re-invented in a transforming world and faces a striving need for innovation. Decarbonization is one of the drivers to select new paths but also the modifications in social, economic, energy and cities to ease access to a more frugal mobility.

Among the many possible ways, how can new technologies have an impact and offer a path to achieve the ambitious targets to limit the impact of climate change.

From the very small nano-level research to macro-economics topics, we will explore through examples and concrete research programs how experts are innovating for designing the next generation of mobility means.

In this forum organized by Plastic Omnium with MIT, you’ll learn how generative artificial models are supporting the creation of new innovations and how emerging technologies can be adapted. You’ll also hear from experts on the impact of technology on mobility and how corporations, academia and startups can work together to tackle today’s challenges with the environment and energy transition while also offering people adapted and valuable means.

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