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The strength of team work
Testimony 02/03/2022

The strength of team work

Women who change the world - Julie Moutonnet-Parfait 

With 8 million customer households, ENGIE has significant leverage to reach and raise awareness among as many people as possible on the issue of violence against women.

I remain convinced that it’s collectively that we can change the world, at all levels: environment, mentalities, education.

Julie Moutonnet-Parfait

Julie Moutonnet-Parfait started to work at ENGIE 21 years ago and then held several jobs, always in the customer relations sector. She is now Billing Project Manager in the General Public Department.

She was recently key to the ENGIE participation in the "3919" initiative which aims to make the number "Violences Femmes info"* known to as many people as possible.

Julie, you have been with ENGIE since the start of your career. What are your functions today?

My job is to manage, create and pilot projects around the invoice to meet the needs of our customers. My entity is really operational with strong objectives related to customer satisfaction, but also to the environment. For example, in 2021, we carried out a lot of work to completely revamp our invoice, make it clearer and more understandable, and with the objective of digitizing so that our customers have access to an online invoice everywhere and all the time. It's good both for the environment (fewer trees cut) and it's easier for our customers, for example to manage their administrative procedures.
So the invoice is at the center of our attention!

Tell us about the 3919 initiative

3919 is the “Info violence” call number. Since the end of January and for one year, it appears on our ENGIE bills.
It all started with a government request to several companies. ENGIE, through our chairman, Mr. Jean-Pierre Clamadieu, responded to display this number on our invoices.
With 8 million customer households, ENGIE has significant leverage to reach and raise awareness among as many people as possible on the issue of violence against women. The 3919 call number remains too little known, especially by the public who need it the most, since women who are victims of domestic violence can be more socially isolated than others.
We were put in touch with the office of Elisabeth Moreno, who gave us fairly simple instructions. The goal was for the 3919 logo to be highlighted so that it would be known and recognized by all. In this context, our objective was to find a clearly visible place for it on our bills, which are already full.
We have chosen to insert it in the “Information and rights” block, whether on the paper invoice or the online invoice, which are identical.
My objective in this project was for this number to be known to as many people as possible, but also to our employees at ENGIE.

I take it you didn't work on this alone?

No, of course ! On a project, whatever it is, we never work alone. We worked in coordination with the IS teams and my role was a bit that of a conductor. I like to say that I create the atmosphere so that our projects come to an end and are carried out as quickly as possible and in accordance with our needs and our objectives.
Our goal was for this to be implemented at the very beginning of the year. We had to think about where to place the logo, then there was the development part and finally an acceptance phase to check that this addition does not cause regressions.
Without our IS teams, we could not have done anything. We managed to work very quickly: the expression of the need was made in December, we accepted in January so that it would be in production at the end of January.
The first invoices featuring the logo were sent on January 25.

Did you already get any feedback?

It's still too early to get feedback from our customers. Every month, we collect verbatim from our customers on the subject of the invoice, so we will follow them carefully to see what the reactions are.
At ENGIE, we already have very positive feedback from employees on this initiative.

What other ways of changing the world do you think are important?

I think that we are more and more aware of the need to work for a better world. Taking care of the environment, practicing selective sorting are basic for me and I also believe that being parents reinforces our need to do something, sharpens our sensitivity to everyday gestures.
In my family, we are very sensitive to zero waste, to short circuits. This is our way of participating.

Is there a message you want to express?

I believe in the strength of the collective, whether professionally or in my personal life.
Even if it seems banal to say it, the collective is there to allow us to climb summits, lift mountains. In an operational department like the one where I work, team work is essential. Without the team, we would not be able to achieve our objectives. And in a more global and personal way, I remain convinced that it’s collectively that we can change the world, at all levels: environment, mentalities, education.
It is collectively that we will get there and that we will manage to live together.

3919 Violence Femmes Info is the national reference number for women victims of violence (domestic, sexual, psychological, forced marriages, sexual mutilation, harassment, etc.). It offers a listening ear, informs and directs towards support systems.

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