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Blockchain : TEO (The Energy Origin) App  first on the Energy Web Chain !
Nouvelles énergies 20/09/2019

Blockchain : TEO (The Energy Origin) App first on the Energy Web Chain !

Energy Web Foundation (EWF) and The Energy Origin (TEO), a startup incubated within ENGIE Fab - New Business Factory, announced that TEO’s decentralized application (dApp) was the first to migrate onto the production Energy Web Chain, the world’s first enterprise-grade, open-source blockchain platform tailored to the sector’s regulatory, operational, and market needs.

The Energy Origin - TEO dApp leverages blockchain to bring the traceability and transparency of green energy, while also expanding the capabilities of supply-demand matching between renewable generators and corporate buyers, such as by choosing green energy on the basis of type of renewable energy, geographic distance from a given facility, and amount of carbon offsets.


The production Energy Web Chain officially launched in mid-June 2019. At the time, EWF was tracking roughly 17 dApps running on Energy Web test networks, spanning use cases such as renewable energy certificate markets, electric vehicle charging, financial settlement for grid flexibility services from distributed energy resources, and transactive energy. 

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