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HyPSTER, the first green hydrogen storage demonstrator in a salt cavern close to construction
Nouvelles énergies 26/01/2022

HyPSTER, the first green hydrogen storage demonstrator in a salt cavern close to construction

Beyond the Innovation Trophies :  HyPSTER,  the pilot for the underground storage of green hydrogen paves the way for the creation of a green hydrogen sector at industrial scale and its technical and economic replicability on other locations in Europe.

Developped by STORENGY and partners, HyPSTER project offers a disruptive solution of Green H2 storage at scale thanks to his know-how in gas storage.

In a carbon-neutral world, underground hydrogen storage will play an essential role to provide resiliency and flexibility to the energy system

Camille Bonenfant-Jeanneney - Storengy C.E.O.

Currently under development on the French site of STORENGY at  Etrez (located between Geneva and Lyon), HyPSTER* is the first green hydrogen storage demonstrator in a salt cavern, supported by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership – the successor of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU). With a total budget of 13 million euros, it aims to better identify the position of storage in the hydrogen value chain, and in the long term, to support the development of the hydrogen sector in Europe.

The implementation of this project launched in January 2021 is continuing with the finalisation and validation of the engineering studies. These studies will enable the construction phase to begin, including the surface hydrogen production platform and the conversion of the salt cavern into hydrogen storage. Moreover, the contracting of the equipment required for the surface and underground works has been signed with the different partners, both French and international companies. 

(...)      * HyPSTER : Hydrogen Pilot Storage for large Ecosystem Replication

Read the full  article > HyPSTER project prepares the construction phase - Storengy



21 january 2022  - Storengy, a subsidiary of ENGIE, and Schneider Electric sign a framework partnership agreement about a renewable hydrogen storage solution. This partnership is initiated by the project  HyPSTER to produce renewable hydrogen and to validate the technical and economic reproducibility of the process at other sites in Europe. Find out More


H2 in the underground: Are salt caverns the future of hydrogen storage?


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