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Is digital design the key to success?
Other innovations 12/01/2021

Is digital design the key to success?

The next ENGIE morning digital meeting will be dedicated to digital design, on January 21st, from 9:30 to 10:30 AM (Paris time) in partnership with La Tribune.

In the 20th century, we spoke of design. Now, we speak of digital design. From creating a product we shifted to the notion of a journey, a satisfying user experience.

What does Ubisoft's latest game have in common with ENGIE's urban hypervision platform? What is the difference between a user friendly product and one less efficient? Is the knowledge of customer expectations enough or is their translation into productive interactivity essential?

Rachel Donnat from the Ecole des Gobelins, Christophe Temple from frog, Guillaume Clauss from Ubisoft and Romain Petit from ENGIE Digital will share their different points of view and their complementary experiences before the traditional conclusion by Erik Orsenna.

The session will be in French.

Participate live on January 21 

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