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PV everywhere: the era of  Integrated Photovoltaics (X-i-PV)

PV everywhere: the era of Integrated Photovoltaics (X-i-PV)


The significant and continuing fall in PV prices is facilitating the development of a multitude of new applications.

Floating PV

Vehicle integrated PV (VIPV)

Agri PV

Infrastructure integrated PV (IIPV)

Building integrated PV (BIPV)

  • A photovoltaic installation mounted on a floating structure
  • A PV installation integrated into the vehicle, connected to electric loads or batteries in electric vehicles 
  • PV combined with standard structures (e.g. greenhouses)
  • Intensify the land use (crops harvesting and energy generation)
  • Refers to embedding solar power in infrastructures such as: noise barriers, carports, streetlights etc.
  • PV used to replace conventional building materials in parts of the building envelope such as the roof, skylights, windows or facades

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Despite their common goal of optimising land use to produce energy, X-i-PV encompasses very different realities


  • Lessen the competition for land use between growing food and generating energy in densely populated areas [12]
  • Create favorable environments for crops (shade, temperature, humidity conditions) [12]
  • Bring additional revenues to farmers at marginal cost either thanks to electricity generation (self consumption), crops (quality/quantity), land lease or free / less costly equipment [12]
  • Major module manufacturers do not yet market modules of a suitable size and efficiency for Agri PV systems [12]
  • Possible higher price due to its innovative nature; specific regulatory frameworks are needed to support its development [12]
  • Soiling from products, components, and fertilizers used in agricultural activities could impact the durability and power production [12]


  • New opportunities to produce solar energy in countries with a high population density and where competition uses for land is rife [13]
  • Attractive in combination with hydropower assets as both technologies can benefit from each other: grid connection already in place, reduction of evaporation, complementary production profile…[13]
  • Synergies between fresh water and PV: the cooling effect of water can boost the energy yield, reduction or elimination of panel shading, elimination of the need for major site preparation (leveling, foundations etc.) [13] [14]
  • Need for specific floating PV test for drinking-water compatibility, wind resistance of platforms etc. International certifications are lacking [13]
  • O&M more complex compared to conventional PV (electrical circuit, cleaning due to possible soiling caused by birds) [13] 
  • Difficulty of implementation in the sea where water surface conditions are much rougher [13]


  • Thanks to advantageous regulations, the BIPV market is expected to grow by an average of 2.7% per year [15]
  • Numerous aesthetically appealing products have been launched (semi transparent, colored PV, flexible etc.) [16]
  • Mitigation of the timing imbalance between supply and demand of electricity thanks to BIPV façade oriented towards east or west [17]
  • Bring additional revenues at marginal cost thanks to integration on existing envelope functionalities. 
  • Today, BIPV is a niche market [18]
  • PV modules lose efficiency as temperature increases, special care should therefore be taken regarding façade ventilation [19]
  • BIPV projects require advanced collaboration between building stakeholders: PV, architects, construction and real estate sectors [15]

New business models and opportunities, with ambitious roadmaps unveiled by countries with land availability issues

Flagship commercial projects*

A global acceleration of X-i-PV deployment 

Countries with significant X-i-PV projects


[6] Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, ISE, 2021. Photovoltaics Report. 
[7] Youtube.com, 2020. ENGIE Solutions: Sibelco, the largest floating PV system in Belgium. 
[8] Youtube.com, 2021. Lightyear One Performance Testing — Why it's the most efficient electric vehicle.
[9] Youtube, 2021. Sun'Agri agrivotaism on apple trees LA PUGERE. 
[10] Youtube, 2016. Opening of the photovoltaic solar plant of Walon Rivesaltes.
[11] Youtube, 2021. Solstex® by Elemex - Solar Facade System Installation.
[12] SolarPower Europe, 2021. Agrisolar Best practices guidelines. 
[13] World Bank Group, ESMAP and SERIS, 2019. Where Sun Meets Water: Floating Solar Handbook for Practitioners. Washington, DC: World Bank.
[14] Ranjbaran P. et al., 2019. A review on floating photovoltaic (FPV) power generation units. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 110,332-347.
[15] BIPV boost, 2018. Update on BIPV market and stakeholder analysis.
[16] SUPSI/ SEAC status report, 2017. Building Integrated Photovoltaics: Product overview for solar building skins. 
[17] Defaix P.R. et al., 2012. Technical potential for photovoltaics on buildings in the EU-27. Solar Energy 86, 9.
[18] PVSites report, 2016. BIPV market and stakeholder analysis and needs.
[19] Lehmann J. et al., 2017. An in-depth comparison of PV modules in a BIPV façade test setup”, 33rd EU PVSEC.
[20] pveurope.eu, 2017. New Heliatek solar energy façade on Engie’s research center.
[21] IMEC, 2018. The key to a sustainable building façade: Successful BiPV installation in Antwerp at end of EU project PVme. 
[22] Equans, 2020. Engie Solutions construit le plus grand parc solaire flottant de Belgique.
[23] Solar Highways, 2021. Final report of the Solar Highways Rijkswaterstaat project.
[24] U-Solar, 2020. Solar Power for Ctrls Data Center Mumbai.
[25] PV-magazine.com, 2020. Giant agrivoltaic project in China.
[26] PV-magazine.com, 2020. Another 120 MW of solar aquaculture in China.
[27] Heinrich M. et al., 2020. Potential and Challenges of Vehicle Integrated Photovoltaics for Passenger Cars. 37th European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition. Vol. 7. 2020.
[28] PV-magazine, 2021. South Korea wants to deploy another 2.1 GW of floating PV by 2030.

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