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Call for abstract : "Accelerating the Carbon-Neutral Energy Transition" - IERE x ENGIE

Research & Innovation

Call for project closed the 08 Sep. 2023

Call for abstract : 'Accelerating the Carbon-Neutral Energy Transition' -  IERE x ENGIE
LAST CALL: Submit your abstract before September 8th order to participate with ENGIE R&I in the 23rd IERE General Meeting and Singapore Forum about "Carbon-Neutral Energy Transition".

Call for abstract:

Do not miss the opportunity to join us in person in Singapore in November to discuss how to accelerate the Carbon-Neutral Energy Transition for all. 

We invite  all experts and researchers to submit their papers before the 8th of september, 2023 to get the unique chance of sharing their work with colleague and peers of the energy sector.

Abstracts should tackle on the following topics:  

Session 1. How to Accelerate Learning by Doing?

Session 2. Making Business Out of It

Session 3. Transversal Enablers

Session 4. Regulatory & Public Acceptance

Session 5. Green Molecules

Session 6. Circularity & Energy Efficiency

Session 7. Renewable Energy & Electrification

Session 8. Flexibility of the Energy System

All papers will be reviewed by a scientific comity for selection. The call is open to IERE member and non-members so do not hesitate to come forward and seize the opportunity to make your voice heard.   

About IERE

IERE is an organization for exchanging electricity and energy related cutting-edge technologies and R&D information among its members from the electricity & energy supply industry, equipment provider businesses, academic research, government, etc. This unique platform is of great help for executives, senior managers, engineers, and researchers who are responsible for R&D and solutions. It is a worldwide, non-profit organization,  established as “International Electric Research Exchange” in 1968. www.IERE.jp

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IERE General Meeting and Singapore Forum : Accelerating the Carbon-Neutral Energy Transition 08 Sep. 2023