EIT Digital opens its proposal submission period for 'Innovation Factory 2022' and accepts Activity proposals throughout 2022. 'Innovation Factory 2022' targets entrepreneurial minds planning to launch or boost a deep tech venture.

The work programme is guided by the EIT Digital Strategic Innovation Agenda 2022-2024. Current partners as well as companies and institutions willing to join the EIT Digital ecosystem are encouraged to submit proposals in one of our five strategic areas:
Digital Tech | Digital Industry | Digital Cities | Digital Wellbeing | Digital Finance |

Applicants can submit their Activity proposals at any moment in time throughout 2022, with 3 pre-defined cut off dates for evaluation:
- Cut-off 1: March 1, 2022, 5pm CEST (Brussels time)
- Cut-off 2: June 1, 2022, 5pm CEST (Brussels time)
- Cut-off 3: November 15, 2022, 5pm CEST (Brussels time)
Submit your proposal
Planning to launch or boost your deep tech venture? Come work with us! Participate in the EIT Digital Innovation Factory 2022:
- Entrepreneurial proposals by pan-European teams from business, education and research organisations are a focus for the EIT Digital Innovation Factory.
- Venture creation or early-stage venture boost proposals need to be submitted by a team of 2 to 4 complementary organisations embedded in EIT Digital’s ecosystem, from at least 2 different European countries, and ready to collaborate intensively on a joint plan for 6 months.
- Proposals should present a specific technology solution for an important business pain, aligned with our 5 strategic focus areas. A well-identified venture team, launching customers and private investments in the venture are additional ingredients of a strong proposal. Proposals are also requested to contribute to the financial sustainability of EIT Digital.
- Accepted proposals will start immediately after the results of the selection process are published.
- If your proposal is selected, EIT Digital will co-invest in your plan to support you in launching or boosting your venture, packaging your technology, signing up customers and attracting additional investors.
Find out more > Innovation Factory 2022: Join us in boosting entrepreneurship for a strong Digital Europe // EIT Digital