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Collaboration with EnergyVille renewed and strengthened

Collaboration with EnergyVille renewed and strengthened

ENGIE and Laborelec’s collaboration with EnergyVille, the Belgian partnership of IMEC, KU Leuven, UHasselt and VITO, has been renewed and extended to include new areas relevant for the energy transition.

The three-year agreement confirms EnergyVille and ENGIE’s commitment to work together on research projects to accelerate the transition to carbon neutrality.

Direct contact between industry researchers and academic experts is necessary to translate new research results into practical application.

Philippe De Raedemaeker

EnergyVille is a collaboration between the Belgian research partners KU Leuven, VITO, imec and UHasselt in the fields of sustainable energy and intelligent energy systems. EnergyVille develops technology and knowledge to support public and private stakeholders in the transition to an energy efficient, decarbonised and sustainable urban environment .

The three-year agreement confirms EnergyVille and ENGIE’s commitment to work together on research projects to accelerate the transition to carbon neutrality. At the same time, the scope has been extended beyond the initial focus on smart grids and solar energy to include a much wider range of research areas.

A broader spectrum of transition-related subjects 

The collaboration will include research into the production of green molecules as non-fossil fuel substitutes as well as on direct air carbon capture

Other subjects being explored are the newer generation of lower-temperature district heating and cooling (DHC) networks, AgriPV, electrical system interoperability and control, high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) power transmission, and heat-pump technology.

Driving technology watch and innovation

The extension also means that other branches of ENGIE R&I are engaged, in addition to Laborelec, leading to a more international exchange of expertise. Laborelec’s Scientific Director Philippe De Raedemaeker points out the importance of this kind of collaboration: “The exchanges with EnergyVille allow us to get insight into fundamental research, driving our technology watch and research programmes. Direct contact between industry researchers and academic experts is necessary to translate new research results into practical application.”

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