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22 May. - 25 May. 2024



Viva Technology is Europe's biggest startup and tech event. The 8th edition will take place in Paris.

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Vivatechnology : Europe’s biggest startup and tech event

ENGIE, leader in energy transition, places collective intelligence as a driving force to innovate together for a sustainable world. VivaTech is an opportunity to showcase innovation. During 5 days, startups, SMEs, incubators, employees of ENGIE and its subsidiaries, will share their solutions that meet the challenges of the energy transition.

On the ENGIE stand, meet the startups and innovative projects developed by ENGIE 

Samp : the startup simplifies worksites and industrial maintenance thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) which makes it possible to link obsolete technical diagrams to a 3D capture of installations. Teams benefit from up-to-date equipment data on a web portal. #DigitalTwins

CryoCollect : a pioneer in the area of biogas, the startup has created a process for liquefying biomethane and a process for the recovery of BioCO2  from methanation.

WASE : a UK-based company developing technology that unlocks a 30% increase in the amount of methane generated from biomass, including from previously untreatable waste streams. 

Raptor Maps : the leading provider of solar lifecycle management software. It features a digital twin of your solar sites, aerial thermal inspections, data standardization and normalization, serial number mapping, warranty claim features, equipment records, mobile tools and more

Upstream Tech :  is an American technology company whose software products make cutting-edge remote sensing and machine learning technology accessible and easy to use, in order to accelerate the pace, scale, and impact of environmental work around the globe. Upstream Tech's products include Lens, a digital MRV platform that makes it easy to turn remote sensing data into decisions, and HydroForecast, a streamflow forecasting system that uniquely blends hydrologic theory with machine learning for accurate, safe, and efficient water resource management.

NEMO is a digital solution that enables cities to optimise the management of their urban heating and cooling networks while reducing their carbon footprint. It has been under development since 2015 by a multidisciplinary team including engineers, mathematicians and developers within ENGIE Digital

Desalination in the Middle East: To further improve its processes, ENGIE R&I is currently developing a semi-industrial test platform with its Desalination Centre of Excellence in Dubai . The aim is to  carry out tests under real-life conditions, before applying on a large scale.

Lab Singapore : one of ENGIE R&I  four research centers in the Asia-Pacific region is a green multi-energy platform, a living lab for variety of decarbonization topics, research, and training center. It has created the REIDS-SPORE multi-thematic multi-fluid demonstrator on the island of Semakau off the coast of Singapore. 

HyPort: Green hydrogen at airports. One of ENGIE’s projects is to set up a green hydrogen production and distribution station at Toulouse-Blagnac airport. A first in Europe!

AI fore biogas app : a web application developped for the ENGIE Bioz and RGE units. The users are biologists working in the biogas industry working for methanisation plants, which convert organic waste (from agriculture, mainly the food industry, household waste, etc.) into biogas.

Vianeo, ENGIE's electric mobility unit, is pulling out all the stops and stepping up the installation of dedicated stations for heavy goods vehicles. 

Tolv  : a pioneering retrofit expert in France, they convert internal combustion vehicles into electric vehicles using conversion kits that are 100% French. The start-up offers businesses and the public sector a solution for greening their fleets that is low-cost, environmentally-friendly and effective. 

Lorin : a digital application developed by ENGIE Flexible Generation Europe to digitalize and streamline repetitive manual tasks to answer a need from technicians working in power plants and industrial sites. 

Vertuoz Control an intelligent energy management solution developped by ENGIE Solutions for buildings that reduces energy consumption and CO2 emissions. 

Heatventors : Intelligent Thermal Battery that works with phase change materials  (PCM) and can store energy at a temperature ranging from -30 and +120 Celsius degrees for a long time. 

Ma Conso + Based on advanced algorithmic intelligence, a solution to monitor your electricity consumption in real time (in kWh and euros), in order to understand your consumption and identify energy-intensive appliances, receive consumption forecast updates real-time to anticipate your budget and improve your daily practices to contribute to the energy sobriety effort.

Mon Pilotage Elec :  Free connected thermostats to pilot your electric radiators even remotely, track your heating consumption in real time, adjust your settings according to your needs and participate in the energy transition by contributing to the balancing of the electrical grid. 

Mon pilotage Gaz.  Innovative service to control your gas heating wherever and whenever you want, monitor closely your gas consumption and find the best balance between comfort and budget.

Local Decarbonization Solutions diorama.  Interactive model of decarbonization solutions proposed by ENGIE to the territories to help cities, industries and tertiary companies to consume less carbonated energy, using local, renewable and low carbon resources

INSIGHTS FOR TOMORROW - ENGIE: AI Serving Energy Transition

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