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Radiative cooling for a “cool island” to combat urban heat

Radiative cooling for a “cool island” to combat urban heat

Enabling technologies
Current trend of the technology :

Radiative cooling is based on the radiative emission of heat energy, leading to the spontaneous cooling of any body.

The system rejects heat from earth systems, sending it into space, using it as an infinite cold radiator or reservoir at -270°C. Through selected infrared radiations, it acts like a greenhouse effect in reverse.

Radiative cooling panels can provide cooling for industrial or tertiary installation, help fight urban heat islands and be coupled with photovoltaics panels. 

Deployments have occurred on the retail market in the US and in South East Asia on skid or airport roofs and in Europe with the “cool island“ system. 

Good medium-term prospects for air conditioning, sub-cooler refrigeration, small network district cooling but also data centers, PV trigeneration (heating, cooling and electricity), clean rooms and industrial cooling.

Cool island installed by ENGIE at La Defense business district in France

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