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Direct Air Capture for CO2 removal from ambient air using chemical processes

Direct Air Capture for CO2 removal from ambient air using chemical processes

Energy uses
Current trend of the technology :

Carbon dioxide can be removed from ambient air via chemical processes using acid base reactions at high or low temperature. Direct Air Capture (DAC) is comparable to the human respiratory system or the photosynthesis where the process releases captured gases from the material.CO2 can be permanently stored in deep geological formations or used to produce fuels, chemicals, building materials or other products containing CO2. When CO2 is geologically stored, it is permanently removed from the atmosphere, resulting in negative emissions.

  • Significant acceleration after the last IPCC report release in August 2021. DAC will be part of Carbon Dioxide Removal technologies for carbon sequestration.
  • A first commercial unit, the Orca unit belonging to Climeworks has been set up in Iceland; certificates trading is in the development stage
  • The project currently requires several more large-scale demonstrations to be developed in order to fine-tune the technology and reduce capture costs


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