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The ocean as a primary renewable energy source - First part

The ocean as a primary renewable energy source - First part

Sustainable energies
Current trend of the technology :

It includes energy from currents (tidal stream), energy from differences in sea level between high and low tide (tidal range) and energy from wave movement.

In the case of tidal energy, the main challenge is to succeed in operating in very harsh conditions although the potential remains very high. Technologies are now tested on a large scale in real sea conditions with a convergence for high current areas (e.g., MeyGen, ENGIE). For waves, the industry took a step back a few years ago in order to focus on components (e.g., Drivetrain), and is now moving back towards testing full devices. For combined tidal and wave energies, developments and tests are increasing namely outside of Europe (Japan, Faroe Islands, China, Chile, etc.).

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